jul. 2002 – ago. 2005 · 3 años 2 mesesjul. 2002 – ago. 2005 · 3 años 2 meses
Quito – EcuadorQuito – Ecuador
I created the tour Operator GREEN PACIFIC
to offer my own tour packagedesigns.
We participated in International Tourism Conventions and important Events such as the MISS UNIVERSE 2004 that took place in Ecuador.
Constitution of the company,
Personal hiring and contracting
Organization and planning of the company’s Public Relations.
Creating and organizing tour packages,
Contracting external services: tour guides, transportation, airlines, hotels, restaurant, events salons, museums, Spanish lessons, volunteer programs
International marketing en e- marketing
Conventions and events,
partnership with the Spanish School EQUINOCCIAL and the volunteer organization: ECUADOR VOLUNTEERS